Pokewalker and The Adventures of Pedobear

Tony TestermanSpider Leave a Comment

So for anyone who doesn’t know this past weekend was Tekkoshocon and Cecil and I were there. I saw this as a great opportunity to put a lot of steps on my pokewalker. The pokewalker is a peripheral for the new Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver games for the Nintendo DS that allows the trainer to carry around on of their Pokemon with them. This device also allows you to catch other Pokemon, find items and if you find another person with a Pokewalker link up and both gain items. The last part of this is where the adventures come in. My first day I carried around a mix of Pokemon mostly ones that evolve based on mood like Eevee, Golbat and Togepi but then while at lunch on Saturday a brilliant idea came to me. At first I was just thinking about a cute Pokemon to carry around with me and the first one that came to mind was Tediursa a small little bear but then my sick mind took over and thought “How funny would it be to name him Pedobear especially with all the little prostitots running around the con. So upon that thought the adventures of Pedobear began at Tekko. I started trying to link up with as many other people as possible so that they could get visited by Pedobear. He got to meet many people through out the last 2 days and I got to make many people laugh so it was a great success. I look forward to bringing Pedobear to many other conventions and making many more people laugh with my twisted sense of humor.

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