In the fall of October 4, 1995 Gainax released Neon Genesis Evangelion, the story of an apocalyptic future revolving around Earth’s last stronghold and defense against the incredibly powerful creatures known as Angels. Evangelion, with its hyper violent mecha action, deep emotional character development, and intrinsically puzzling philosophical and religious themes, was an instant hit. Forever polarizing its place in …
Sucker Punch Review
Zack Snyder’s action-fantasy romp, Sucker Punch, is the appropriately named movie of 2011. Just like a sucker punch, it first leaves you feeling dizzy and surprised and ends with utter confusion, and pain. Zack Synder, the director of such visually stunning films such as The Watchmen and 300, makes his screen writing debut with Sucker Punch, an action-fantasy romp revolving …
Schtick Happens
So once again, equipped with only my butter knife like wit and a cup of tea I forgot about that is now room temperature, I welcome you to another odd session of P-Chan Says! Thank You! Seeing as how this is a bi-weekly Ninja Legion blog I have to say that I have been doing fairly well considering the amount …