So once again its that time of the year. No. Sadly its not Hideo Kajima Day. Its Black History Month! Well it was when I wrote this. Yay! What? Not what you were expecting? Oh. Sad day… I want you to take a moment. I mean, take a real moment and think about the last black character you saw in …
There is a saying, “For every piece of gold you find, you’ve found a thousand turds.” The same remains true in anime. For every truly inspired and beautifully crafted piece of cinema, we have to trudge through some poorly translated, unoriginal slop thrown together because of an unsuspecting American audience. Here, I have chronicled just a few of these tainted …
Dr. Doom Has to Be a Girl…
I just want to start this off by saying, “Don’t be that guy.” As a nice guy myself, I have fallen pray to the creature that is “woman”. Having extensive experience in this field, I feel it is my duty, nay, my privilege to give you a little bit of advice on the matter. I could sit here and tell …