TNL: Last Ronin Podcast – 2013.07.27 – Kickstarters, Zynga, & San Diego Comic Con

Tony TestermanLast Ronin Leave a Comment

TNL_Samurai_Logo(Black)The Ninja Legion is a group of fans dedicated to sharing the voice of Nerdom. We cover various conventions as well as concerts, cultural festivals and any other events tied to world of Nerdom. Whether it’s Anime, Video Games, Comic Books, Science Fiction or beyond; all over the world. That we may bring others the latest and greatest in pertaining to the on-goings in the Nerdom world. We freely speak our minds and give honest opinions of everything we take in. Our motto is “For the fans by the fans” and we want the true voice to be heard, so no corporate agendas or paid endorsements. In this week’s podcast we go over the following:

Episode Player

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 – Kickstarter tabletop game (The Doom That Came to Atlantic City) collapses after bringing in $123K
 – Zynga loses $15.8 million in Q2, and nearly half of its users from last quarter. (What is Don Mattrick doing about it? All aboard the sinking ship.)
 – So if the next gen consoles aren’t attempting to revolutionize gaming graphically what is the next big step? (Game play, writing, multiplayer?)
 – Eidos Montreal GM resigns, citing ‘lack of courage at Square Enix.
 – San Diego Comic Con!!
 – The next Avenger movie will be the age of Ultron. So, wait. Then Thanos being at the end of the last film meant nothing? Double wait! Does this mean a Vision appearance
 – When the hell are we going to get the new Dragonball Z film?
 – The next Superman and Batman films will be a team-up/Versus?
 – New Star Wars animated show Star Wars: Rebels
 – Kingdom Hearts 3 will conclude the core story, but not the franchise director Tetsuya Nomura says. (Maniacal laugh…)
 – Fez 2 officially canceled! (Phil Fish says he’s had enough of the industries crap)
Round Table Discussion:
 – Are we as fans our own worst enemies?
 – Could it be the consumer and not the big business industry that is killing the medias we love so much?
 – Microsoft is opening up for indie developers with the Xbox One by including a devkit.
 – What is the most visually stunning game you have ever played? What about movie?
 – What has been your favorite game ending as of late?
 – What you should be watching (Sword Art Online, Attack on Titan, not One Piece)
 – EVO Tournament _Ccccccccccc combo breaker!!)

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