- Players must represent an original version of a specific character. This means no combining, no tweaking, no manga versions, etc. Judging is at the Game Show coordinators discretion.
- Players can ONLY use the skill sets & movement patterns listed on the index card.
- Each Match run 10:00 minutes.
- During a match each player must take their turn within the allotted time frame of 10 seconds.
- Once a move has been declared during a turn, it is final.
- All characters MUST be PG-13.
Character Creation
- Each character is allotted 30 General Points and 20 Specialization Points.
- General Points can be used to purchase (raise) any stat under the General and/or Specialization section of the Character Card.
- Specialization Points can only be spent for Special Abilities found under the Specialization section of the Character Card (if you have left over Spec Points, they will go to waist).
- Each character must have at least one Melee Type attack and one Range Type attack (though points do not have to be spent to enhance these attacks if the player so chooses)
- Melee Type attack of a maximum range of 3 (unless noted by Specialization)
- Range Type attacks have a maximum range of 6 (unless noted by Specialization)
- Each character submitted will be reviewed and point costs calculated. If the costs exceeds the allotted amount of Points given, the player must revise their character sheet before the beginning of the Cosplay Battle Royal or their spot will be forfeit.
- Check Here for the Guideline on building your character.
How the Battle Works:
- Each Battle will last 3 minutes long. The character with the most amount
- The character with the highest Actions Points begins the battle first. If there is a tie between the competing characters, a not-so-clever method will be devised to break the tie.
- When a player begins their turn, all Action Points (up to their maximum) will be returned to them. At this time the player may begin their turn.
- Each player has 10 seconds to complete their turn. If they do not finish their turn within the allotted time, their turn will be forfeit with their last action performed.
- Available options during a players turn may include, but are not limited to:
- Perform an action
- Perform a movement
- Activate a special ability (Specializations)
- Performing an Action or a Movement may be taken in any order (Action then movement, or vice versa). Only one Action and one Movement may be performed during each round (unless modified by Specializations).
- Characters can not perform an action that would force them to use more Action Points then they have left.
How General Stats Work:
- Health represents how much a character can withstand before falling during combat
- Defense acts a damage reduction and subtracts the amount of damage that would effect the character coming from an opponents attack. All attacks do a minimum of one damage to the character, no matter how high their Defense is.
- Action Points represent the amount of actions a character can perform in their turn.
- Movement can be presented as to how fast a character can move during their turn.
How Actions Work:
- Each player may perform an Action as long as they have enough Action Points available to complete any actions chosen.
- Each Action costs one Action Point to perform (unless noted otherwise)
How Movement Works:
- Moving in a horizontal or vertical plain costs the character one Move..
- Moving in a diagonal plain costs the character 1.5 Moves.
- If a character does not have enough Moves available to complete a movement into an open square, the character can not complete the movement.
- Example: Naruto has a Move stat of 4. He moves one square in the diagonal plain costing him 1.5 Moves. He now wants to move two squares in the horizontal plain which costs him an additional 2 Moves (he has now used 3.5 Moves), then one in the vertical plain, but he can not complete the movement because he only has .5 Moves left.
- Each movement also costs one Action Point.
- Returning to the example using Naruto: Naruto completed 3 movements (one diagonal and two horizontal). This has cost him 3 Action Points.
- A character can not move through another square while another character is in that square.
How Specializations Work:
- Each Specialization has its own ruling and guidelines and can be found under that particular Specialization
- Anime USA 2011 – Saturday @ 5:30pm
- Sign Up for this event!