Here is a collection of the photos we took during our time at Anime USA 2009. These include photos from the events at Anime USA 2009 such as the Gear Masters Ball and the Masquerade. Let us know what you think by leaving a comment at the bottom of this post or you can send us an email by using …
Game Show: Cosplay Rap Battles
The Ninja Legion presents Cosplay Rap Battles. Where fellow Cosplayers are pitted against each other in a traditional rap battle. The objective is to have cosplay contestants dress as their favorite character and battle against another cosplayer. They can only use facts about the each others Cosplay characters and are judged by the audience and host(s). The Game Show is …
Game Show: It’s A Trap
The Ninja Legion presents the It’s A Trap a game show dedicated to the art of detection, avoidance and survival. At It’s A Trap we take the time to educate you on the various types of traps that you will likely encounter at a convention or even in your daily life. The knowledge you learn will be put to the …